Friday, December 17, 2010


Have you ever wondered why people have a jealous bone? Is it because of insecurity or out of fear? I know that I possess that trait and over the years have tried to supress it but somehow it pokes it's ugly head out again. But this time, I'm not talking about me.

Over the past few weeks, a person that I've known for quite a while is really starting to show her true colors. Snide comments about things that I should or shouldn't do are starting to get old. I am trying to turn a deaf ear but believe me, it's very difficult. I just need to keep telling myself that I will not stoop to her level. I have vented to my real friends and they keep telling me to ignore her. So, here I sit - - writing about it. Why? Because it helps. From here forward, I will live in silence while in the presence of this individual. "Nothing is more useful than silence." ~Menander of Athens

I found a quote online today that speaks the truth - - "Jealousy is tacky. Instead, admire another's beauty and let it inspire you because tearing them down will only show others just how ugly you really are."


  1. What a great mechnism to express yourself! It is often said that having an outlet of some kind is a very healthy thing, I commend you for turning a deaf ear and not stooping to that person's level, difficult as it may be.

  2. Blogging is very cathartic, as I am sure you will find out! Don't let jealousy and pettiness get you the end of the day, you know who your TRUE friends are!
